Havene Liew

President, XR Associates

Havene is the founder and President of XR Associates. A XR solution provider and business alliance headquarter in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. XRA has 60 strategic partners and 6 chapters in Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, US, Korea and China. His background includes filmmaking, animation and game development. He is also the Champion of Southeast Asia Division and Global Merit Winner of Alibaba’s CACSC in 2016. His VR solution has won as the Best Showcase of Unity's Unite Singapore 2017. Havene has been selected as the 50 CEOs who help to shape Malaysia's digital economy - Digerati50 by Digital News Asia in 2018.


Sub Stage 2:

Day 1 (August 30), 1:55 PM-2:50 PM

XR and the Future of Work: Implications for Education and the Workforce

This session discusses the potential benefits of XR scenario based training in healthcare and education, exploring actual use cases developed for universities and medical centres in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. The panel will share the challenges related to user learning curve, content creation, and equipment maintenance. Ethical considerations around data privacy, security, and user safety will also be addressed for responsible and sustainable deployment of XR technology.