Rodrigo Dias Takase

Lead XR Developer, JIX Reality

Rodrigo Dias Takase has a degree in Computer Engineering and a strong background in educational technology, game development, and XR. Since 2009, he has been actively involved in the field, working on game development projects and collaborating with various clients. Rodrigo possesses more than 11 years of experience with Unity 3D, the popular game development platform.

In 2020, Rodrigo joined Sony in Sweden, where he contributed his expertise to cutting-edge projects. Currently, he serves as the Lead Developer at JIX Reality, a prominent company based in New Zealand that specializes in the development of immersive and interactive experiences.

Rodrigo's passion for technology and coding games developed in his childhood. Over the years, he has nurtured a deep interest and enthusiasm for new technologies. Rodrigo's dedication and commitment to staying ahead of the curve enable him to explore innovative ways to leverage technology in education, gaming, and XR domains.


Sub Stage 2:

Day 2 (August 31), 2:55 PM-3:20 PM

Unlocking AR's Potential: Designing Meaningful Experiences

This session abstract explores the question of whether AR experiences are merely gimmicks or can be designed to be truly useful and significant. By examining a past case study involving AR multi-marker interactions in the Dental Simulator app, we delve into the evolution of AR and its potential future. Join us as we analyze the lessons learned and discuss strategies for creating meaningful AR experiences.